Sara Debulpaep

Current function
Pediatrician, Medical coordinator of the pediatrics department
Ghent University Hospital
Since November 2015

Work experience
University Medical Centre Sint Pieters, Brussels Pediatrician in charge of emergency and pediatrics department Pneumo-pediatrics consultation with tuberculosis interest (2004-2015)

1992-1999 Free University of Brussels, Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) Medical Doctor, 25 June 1999
1999-2004 Free University of Brussels, VUB Specialization of Pediatrics, 25 August 2004
2011-2013 Free University of Brussels, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB) Doctoral research, “Tuberculosis on children in a low prevalence country: clinical expression and markers of progression” , Promoter: F Mascart, Laboratory of Vaccinology and Mucosal Immunity (LoVMI), ULB

Additional training, participation in conferences
2002-2005 Interactive Pediatric Intensive Care Day, Instructor, VUB, Belgium
Since 2005 Advanced Pediatric Life Support (APLS), Course Director, Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG), Netherlands and Belgium
Octobre 2007 « L'Infirmier Organisateur de l'accueil au service des urgences », Université Louis Pasteur, France
2007-2008 « Enseignement de Médecine de Catastrophe », Certificat d’Organisation des Secours Médicaux en situation d’Urgence Collective, ULB, Belgium
Since 2008 European Pediatric Advanced Life Support (EPALS/EPILS), Instructor, European Resuscitation Council (ERC), Belgium.
Since April 2008 National Project Acute Pain in Children, Belgium
2011-2012 « Formation en Statistique Appliquée », ULB, Belgium